An effective financial plan starts with considering your current assets and devising ways to protect them from loss. Your assets, which are likely to be more extensive than you realise, include your acquired property and your ability to work and provide an income for you and your family – not only in the here and now, but for as long as you have family members who remain dependent on you.
Hard earned or inherited wealth such as your home, contents, vehicles and investments all cost money to replace. If you lost them, how much of a financial set-back would that cause?
It’s easy to lose track of how much it would cost to replace the property we accumulate over time. As we are increasingly aware, disaster can strike at any time – extreme weather, fire, earthquakes, flooding – all things we would like to think won’t happen to us.
What we may not be aware of is how our own actions may also increase the risk of asset loss. Business dealings, personal guarantees, our intimate relationships and acting as guarantors for family members may not always work out the way we planned.
Wishing away the bad stuff won’t protect you from loss, but the right insurance cover for your needs and the right legal protections will. We help you assess what your risks are and what you need to do to protect your assets from loss.
Your ability to earn an income is what creates your standard of living. How long can you live comfortably if you can’t work?
It’s a fact of life that most people don’t have enough cash reserves to support themselves if they find themselves spending a significant period of time off work. So, if you can’t work, what happens to your debts (mortgage, credit card and other loans) and everyday living expenses? Too many people don’t place enough value on their most important asset – themselves, and their ability to earn money.
There are different ways to protect yourself in the event you’re either temporarily or permanently unable to work. As part of your financial plan, we consider how much and what type of insurance protection you need to ensure your financial goals are not disrupted. Should the worst happen, you want to be free to focus on restoring your health, or taking a new direction in life, without added financial pressure.
Unfortunate & unpredictable events can strike at any time. Can your financial plan withstand a personal or business disaster?
If your financial goals include providing for others in some way, a significant personal or business disaster (or your untimely death) can undo all your good intentions and leave your family struggling to cope financially.
As part of your financial plan we explore just how significant you and your business are (if you own a business) to your family’s financial wellbeing. We then help you find and put in place the best cover for your particular needs so you can relax knowing that your financial obligations and family will be taken care of should unfortunate circumstances strike.
When it comes to protecting your wealth, knowing that you have the right insurance cover and legal protections for your needs goes a long way towards feeling confident about your finances and future. We help you look at the big picture so that how you choose to protect your assets is in harmony with your overall financial plan. So, if you wish to:
Achieve financial stability both now and in the future,
Provide for and protect your family
Protect your business and your interest in it, and
Be confident about your finances
we recommend you take the first step towards building the healthy financial life you want by contacting us today